Friday, September 17, 2010

Boston, Stamford again, yes! Cleveland - Part A

If you have driven in America, anywhere in the north and east, you may understand the craziness that takes over the Fall-feasting eyes. My eyeballs sort of rolled and ran left right center up and beyond trying to go into the depth of each tree that was turning into fire and red... russet, orange, peach, gold-peach, maroon, a solitary blood red in a field of green. It's a sort of madness that I entered - I kept exclaiming, oohing and wowing, driving Carol nuts as she drove. Luckily Pocahontas told us that our next active move had to be made only 220 miles later, so we were good.

Right now we are sitting in a Wendy's, eating a great Spicy Ceaser's Salad and sharing a cup of ice cream that is disguised as a milk shake!

So this little post is a forerunner to the highlights of this leg of travel. Manna reminded me that I have to close my open dropped jaw and start filling in the blog as she is waiting to read.

There are two cats named Abra and Rilke and other people in Boston, lovely helpful friendly people in Boston that I met in the T, and in interesting stores who might be looking out for our stories. So here it is. - Part A.

We are on our way to Ann Arbor, driving through industrial Ohio. Meeting roadsigns to Toledo and streets called Detroit and Carnegie Ave. The day is sunny dotted by dark grey clouds and promise of lightening. Channel 1640 AM is around to give weather information. It's all good and it's all here, in the America in my heart and mind and the real thing!

Part B will emerge at the next stop.

Love to all.

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