Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The clock says 00:55. For the last two hours I have lived many life times - in a nice way. Connected with Sanah, painted, danced, copied CDs into itunes, passed out into a faux nap, had many ideas to say bye to each room in my house and each inner space in my being that is about the daily in delhi. And then, a moment of STOP. What did I want to say bye to? Is a journey like this something that is a beginning after an end? A dying to the old and being born to the new? I found a new meaning for this - there is no end and no beginning - all that I was trying to say bye to was all that I was trying to hold on to. So I found myself in another moment of continuity.

And so, I pack my bags, weigh them and touch them, one more time, enjoy the sight of this wonderfully red luggage now on the ground, at the door, waiting to fulfill each dream that it has been dreaming sitting on top of my closet counting the days to this moment of departure for AMERICA!!

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